Can Baby Sleep on Tummy on My Chest

'Never let a baby slumber on its tum on your chest' feeling guilty

(42 Posts)

ElleOhElle Fri 20-Feb-15 xiii:10:47

Just read an article that said' never allow a babe sleep on its tummy on your chest' Well this is pretty much how DS 14weeks and I spend well-nigh of the nighttime or neither of us become any slumber. He'due south EBF and I fall comatose while feeding him. I wake up often and he's asleep or mouthing to become back on the breast. ideally I'd love to get him dorsum in the crib each time he feeds just information technology's only not happening.
Can someone tell me why it'south so bad for him to sleep like this? I sympathize whatever co-sleeping comes with SIDS gamble simply I'd like to know why this position is such a massive No No!
The problem is I only don't know how I'm going to finish it happening, I physically cannot stay awake! !

FATEdestiny Fri 20-Feb-xv 13:42:12

Sleeping on their stomach is ane of the largest SIDS risks, wherever it is they are sleeping. In a cot, I understand you lot tin can get an angelcare monitor which checks for breathing at all times. But this can't be used when he's sleeping on you.

Baby sleeping on tummy on your chest while y'all are awake would be much less of a problem, because you tin can lookout him all the fourth dimension. Just when y'all are sleeping, the trouble comes from the fact that (I presume) your baby cannot ringlet over and may not exist able to turn his head in his sleep. Then should he become into such a position that is mouth and nose were muffled into your skin, he would be unable to move so that he could breath again.

Therefore your son could suffocate on your breast while you were sleeping and you wouldn't notice considering he would be unable to weep out or move to warning you. Once your DS is former enough to move (curl front to back especially) and then the risk will reduce considering he will be better able to movement if he cannot breath.

This is a really unpleasant thing to exist talking about, but you did ask.

ElleOhElle Friday xx-Feb-15 14:03:thirteen

sad delight someone tell me I'g not the only i doing this. experience similar shit now. I guess I just felt similar I would pick up on him moving about etc, I'd exist more worried nigh him lying side by side to me cos at that place's more chance I'd get too comfy and go into a deeper sleep.
really want to get him into his crib.sad

FATEdestiny Fri 20-February-15 xiv:13:08

There volition be people who practice this, merely that unfortunately doesn't alter the adventure. You may find some people through the thread. I know a minor number of Mums whos babe sleeps on their tummy in the cot, but non on them.

Personally if it was me I would be working very difficult to become baby at least co-sleeping safely, or in the cot.

odoneel Friday 20-February-15 14:14:49

You are not the only one. DS slept similar that on me until he was about half dozen months onetime - he's now four. I read in a nosotros chat on this site that there are no statistics at all regarding this this way of sleeping and SIDS, which suggests that information technology rarely happens. Cheque the question in the SIDS section in this link:

IthinkIneedmorewine Fri xx-Feb-fifteen xiv:17:08

Both mine did/do this... Obviously that doesn't mean that it is rubber, but if always felt quite comfortable doing it...

lentilpot Fri 20-Feb-fifteen 14:nineteen:48

Studies of co-sleeping rubber found it's no more risky than whatever other type of sleeping afterwards 14 weeks:

TurnOverTheTv Friday 20-Feb-15 xiv:20:14

I did with all three of mine. I was very happy with it!

odoneel Friday 20-Feb-fifteen fourteen:22:30

And I always felt that the baby beingness so close to my heartbeat and breathing - so that he could physically feel them, somehow kept him safe. ( No evidence to link to, only I practise recollect reading that that that's one of the reasons young babies should be at to the lowest degree sleeping in the same room every bit parents)

WrappedInABlankie Fri 20-Feb-15 14:26:26

Do NOT feel shitty! thanks

I got a massive lecture of my HV for not giving DS a dummy as information technology helps aids because I believe they only cry when they need something they're ugly and I was very luckily the he rarely cried. He likewise slept on his front! if turn his head to the side and wrap him upward because ane night I went to the loo and came back to him choking on his vomit! He was airsickness silently every bit they exercise! If I had been asleep he would of died ever since and then he's slept on his front even at present and Id brand sure this 1 sleeps on his front end too if he's sickly!

I never co slept so he was always in a Moses handbasket or his cot! Do not feel bad!

Allstoppedup Fri 20-Feb-xv fourteen:26:53


This is how my refluxey screamer slept for the first few months of his life. He actually struggled with being lay down. DP and I took shifts at first staying awake only this stopped when DP went back to work.

He eventually settled in a co-sleeper crib tilted to an angle and I was able to BF lay downward on my side which meant I felt more comfy falling asleep.

I also found buying a sling really helped. When DS was nearly four months I would get him off to sleep in the sling as I pottered about so sneak him downwardly into his cot and constitute he stayed asleep a lot more than if we'd but lay still together and so I moved him. I'm not certain why!

Promise you manage a solution soon it's so stressful early with a clingababy who won't sleep without yous.

5ChildrenAndIt Fri 20-Feb-15 fourteen:27:47

Aye - we definitely did the chest sleeping - and I don't agree with FATE that you can extrapolate the data from tummy sleepers alone to breast tum sleepers.

For example - there have been studies that sleeping close to another person reduces SIDs risk - because the adults animate helps the infant regulate their animate.

5ChildrenAndIt Fri xx-Feb-15 14:31:53

You mentioned breastfeeding.

I was extremely tuned in to my babies while bf. We largely co-slept - and I was always 'aware' of how they were and where they were - and our sleeping rhythms aligned.

I honestly, genuinely think that this closeness is protective for the baby.

Sootgremlin Friday 20-Feb-15 14:32:10

My ds slept on me like this for his naps, but this was during the day and I stayed awake reading, and then could monitor him. I think the risks in this situation are minimal.

I would definitely try to avoid the situation you are describing at dark as it is quite risky if you are falling comatose too. It has happened to me accidentally in one case when I barbarous asleep while waiting for him to resettle and I woke with a start, I wouldn't experience comfortable doing information technology every night.

In your position I would effort and get him back into his cot after each feed and at the very least set up your bed up and so if you lot accidentally fall asleep the hazard is minimised.

I co-slept with both of mine from six months when they could whorl, sit up and were bigger and more robust mostly but I have my bed ready so this is as safe as possible. Bed guard, no pillow or duvet, fed while lying down on my side, e'er with me, never with DH or in betwixt me and DH.

GotToBeInItToWinIt Fri 20-February-fifteen fourteen:36:41

DD did this a lot while I was awake but I wouldn't take risked sleeping while she was on me. I call up the risk of overheating might exist quite high if you're pare to pare likewise, which is some other SIDs take chances.

Sootgremlin Fri xx-Feb-15 fourteen:37:19

Oh and don't feel bad, in that location'due south no reason flowers

SandorClegane Fri xx-Feb-fifteen 14:54:19

I slept like this with my son for a practiced while, we always co slept though. I used to become a scrap of a sore lower back only I miss that time so much all the same. The Isis website linked to in a higher place is great for decent info re cosleeping.

Mariposa10 Fri xx-February-xv xv:41:31

The likelihood of your baby suffocating on your breast is infinitesimal. More babies dice from SIDS in their own cot than they do cosleeping, please don't beat yourself up about it. If you've establish something that works get with it.

Alibabsandthe40Musketeers Fri 20-Feb-15 15:45:44

DS2 slept like this while I was still in hospital with him, it was the only way he would sleep at night. The midwives would actually help me settle him on me - I had a department and couldn't lift him out of his cot while I was in bed.

This kind of sleeping is recommended for prem babies I thought? So I can't empathize the hysteria.

Delight don't feel bad OP smile

Bakeoffcake Fri 20-Feb-xv xv:53:55

When I had my DDs over 20 years ago, babies were non allowed to sleep on their backs! They would chock on their own ill.hmm

I knew several people who allow their babies sleep on their backs every bit it was the only style they would sleep. And it turns out they were doing the right thing for their babies.

Delight don't feel guilty, we all just do out best for our babies.

LuluJakey1 Fri 20-Feb-15 fifteen:59:13

We do it, but just if we are awake eg lying on the sofa. Merely DS is formula fed. I can understand how ebf means he and y'all exercise it.

ElleOhElle Fri twenty-Feb-15 16:23:37

give thanks y'all for the reassuring and supportive msgs smile
feeling a flake less rubbish now, volition continue to try and get him in his crib but won't beat myself upward so much virtually it. Thanks.
Welcome any msgs for or confronting this style of babe sleeping equally it helps to hear unlike opinions to make a more informed decision decision.

BreeVDKamp Friday twenty-February-15 xvi:28:10

As in when the mother is sitting upward or lying down? Or are both bad? I was thinking yesterday that sitting up with the baby on your breast might be a skilful thing to exercise with a refluxy baby (just musing, not even a female parent still).

littleducks Fri 20-Feb-xv 16:31:39

I spent't months sleeping like this with two of mine. Only way they slept. i think it is safer in a bed than a sofa but i don't have any stats to back that upward just recall bring told babies sleeping on sofas was a Bad Thing.

LetMeDriveTheBus Friday xx-Feb-15 xvi:48:06

DC1 napped like this until most 4 months. DC2 slept night and mean solar day like this. Information technology's not what I would have called but information technology was the only way to become some sleep!!

The stage passed for both of them at well-nigh 3-4 months. Such a brusk fourth dimension in their lives. A zip upwards swaddle accommodate (dearest to swaddle) helped one of them slumber flat on their backs. But but once they were ready to. Google the fourth trimester.

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