The Importance of Reading Your Bible Ray Comfort

Bible dust read me

If we were to survey Christians at evangelical churches in America most people would agree that they need to read their Bibles. They sympathize that information technology is both required and expert for them. Only the sad truth is, many do not. This lands us in that strange place of knowing, but notwithstanding still avoiding, what is adept and beneficial for us.

Why practice nosotros do information technology?

About people when asked about their Bible reading say: I have been really busy. This may be the truth; people are very busy. Nonetheless, information technology is non the reason. I think we can distinguish between realities and reasons. Those aforementioned people who are really busy practise have the time to eat food and sleep. I know people who take their entire day (and evening) mapped out for them. They are extremely busy; yet they withal read their Bibles. There is time for even the busiest of us. However, others who claim busyness too are up to date on the news, picket movies, use social media, do, and a host of other things. In pursuit of a truthful diagnosis here, let's be honest: none of us are truly too busy to read the Bible. We may be busy only we choose to put the Bible aside for 1 reason or another.

Let me give yous a few reasons why many Christians do not regularly read their Bibles.

It Makes Usa Uncomfortable

This is the reason that no one wants to talk about but anybody needs to grapple with. We love to exist comfortable and notwithstanding the Bible aims to condolement us. And then, why in the globe would we avert the Bible? It is because the Bible makes us uncomfortable before it comforts us. We don't like this. Consider what Paul says about the action of the Bible:

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and assisting for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for grooming in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16)

Consider the Beginning Commandment: ""Y'all shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:three).

  • It teaches u.s.a. truth: One who follows the Lord is non to have some other other gods. He alone must be our only truthful God who rules us even as we glorify him. Information technology teaches us truth by saying: "This is right."
  • Information technology reproves us: When we are not putting God outset by giving him his due worship because nosotros are giving this to someone or something else. Information technology rebukes our sin by saying: "That is wrong."
  • It corrects u.s.a.: It points us back to what is right. Because we accept been reproved by the Give-and-take we are pointed dorsum to what we are supposed to be doing. It corrects united states of america by saying: "Apologize and serve the one true God."
  • It trains united states of america: The Scripture tells us both what is wrong and how to do what is correct. The moral law reveals to u.s.a., fifty-fifty the side by side ix commandments, how to alive with God as your God. It trains us by proverb: "This is how y'all must live instead."

If nosotros accept engaged in honest Bible reading we know that we accept been confronted by God and his Word. This punctures our pride and unsettles u.s.a.. If nosotros aim to preserve condolement and protect honor then we will avoid this like someone who is out of shape avoids the gym.

Only here is the truth: our hearts are deceitful (Jer. 17:9), they trick us. We believe the prevarication that information technology is amend to live in the false condolement we are in rather than the condolement that God can provide. We lean upon the faux savior of self and as a upshot guarantee that we volition not be comfortable. It is just exist being made uncomfortable by God that we tin truly be comforted.

Action item: search your center and meet if you are fugitive God to preserve the idol of comfort.

Information technology's Too Hard

I think this is a rarity only there are some people who find the Bible very difficult. When they brainstorm reading it they find they have crossed cultural, historical, and even religious lines. They are overwhelmed. In this situation they should seek some help. Ask a pastor or some other mature believer for help. Later on some fourth dimension with another Christian reading the Bible together, and through providing some basic tools and resources they should be well on their style. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God in the child of God to adapt us into the likeness of the Son of God. We need the Bible. We have to exercise whatever it takes. This may take some time rolling up the sleeves, simply it is definitely worth.

Action detail: admit it and ask for help.

We are Undisciplined

In social club to practise anything of value consistently it takes discipline. Nonetheless, if nosotros sit down dorsum and do not alive with intentionality we will not be regularly in the Discussion of God. Practise you think an Olympic athlete hits snooze on their alert when training? Never! Do they not get tired? Of course they do. But there is a disquisitional point when discipline defeats the desire of the moment. It is when the mind speaks to the eye and says, "Hey, I'm in charge. It is fourth dimension to get upwardly fifty-fifty if I don't experience like it." Subject area takes endeavour. We don't recline into discipline we must piece of work at it. Is there anything more important than godliness to discipline ourselves for? Paul tells Timothy to discipline himself for the purpose of godliness (1 Tim. 4.7-8).

Action item: Field of study yourself for the purpose of godliness.

We Think information technology is Stale and Lifeless

Many people practice not find themselves awed by the Bible. They avoid the Bible considering it has been a long time (if ever) since they have found themselves truly moved by its truth. This reveals more than of a problem with the person than with the Bible. The Bible is not boring, we are ho-hum. Many of u.s. are also infatuated with the trivial to even appreciate something of substance. We leap from one mindless triviality to another day after 24-hour interval and wonder why we take no appetite for the Word of God. The Bible declares that it is living and powerful (Heb. four:12-xiii), and information technology has a long track record of being so. If we think the Bible is stale or lifeless and so perhaps the coin of its central truth has not yet dropped. Perhaps nosotros accept yet to run across that God is truly good and that we are truly not. Until nosotros are conquered by the truth of the gospel the Bible remains a volume well-nigh God instead of a book about our God.

Action item: Examine your heart to come across if you truly dear God.

We Have a Dysfunctional Relationship with God

Years ago my wife was deployed in the military for months. She would send me messages (pre-internet days). When I'd receive them I would read through quickly and then sit dorsum and think. Then I'd read through and examine patterns. "Why did she write then neatly hither but more hurriedly here? What's going on? Why are there hearts on these assertion points but non these?" And so I would read it through slowly. I'd walk effectually thinking about information technology. Why did I do this? Because I loved my wife. Suppose it was unlike though. Suppose I got the letter of the alphabet and just tossed it over on the pile of other postal service. And in that location information technology sat with junk mail and bills for a few days. I'd walk beyond the room and see it only instead of opening it upward I would only ignore information technology as I watched SportsCenter or read the paper. You would doubtless call me a bad hubby and say that our relationship was in trouble. You would be right. But isn't this what people practice with the Bible? God has spoken to us in the Give-and-take of God. It is his letter to us. How tin can a person say that they truly dear God but throw his "letter" aside in favor of other stuff? How can they give it less attention than things that don't matter?

Permit's exist honest: if you don't read your Bible it is considering you don't desire to read your Bible. And to bottom line this further, this is indicative or your relationship with God. Nosotros cannot separate a love for the Word of God and the God of the Word.

Activeness detail: If we do notice ourselves non reading our Bibles we should examine ourselves to see the true substance of our relationship with God. Is it dysfunctional? If so apologize and speak to God in confession. Then yous will notice yourself finding joy in God and his Word.


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